“He was a ‘good-luck pig’ and a trailblazer”
What significance did Elector Carl Theodor have? A conversation with the historian Hiram Kümper
Kayaking and learning
A kayak tour on the river Elsenz shows how the United Nations’ sustainable development goals affect us all.
Where the storks live
Irrigation of the Queich river meadows in the Southern Palatinate is part of Intangible Cultural Heritage
Living with the water nearby
The Leben am Strom museum and information centre in Neupotz
A theatre on Tromm mountain
Jürgen Flügge brings dramatic art to the countryside in his Hof-Theater-Tromm theatre
A derby with the Rhein-Neckar Delta Quads
Homeless, unrecognised, yet admired
The writer Augusta Bender is revered in Schefflenz.
Preserving traditions and creating a new shine
Tobias and Christian Pfeifer are shingle makers in the Odenwald.
A dialect trail leading through the Odenwald
Travelling along the Mundartweg dialect trail from Neckarelz to Hardheim
Where light dances on concrete
The EinTanzHaus gives Mannheim’s Trinitatiskirche church a new lease of life
A journey into a heated future
Climate change becomes tangible in the Klima Arena in Sinsheim
Flying through town
Tim Weickenmeier practices parkour and trains others to learn this skill in Mannheim
Where art learns to swim
A reservoir for fire fighting operations has become a concert stage: Thomas Grommes has reinvented the Ludwigshafen indoor swimming pool.
Muddersprooch in American English
Muddersprooch in American English
Pilgrims and Parchments
Tracing St. James pilgrims in Speyer.
Where else would we want to be.
Stories about people who live here. Where else...
Harvest, Build and Live like in the Middle Ages
On a journey through time in the Histotainment Park Adventon in the Bauland region
Home to racing horses
Discover a unique, professional racing stable behind the turf track in the Mannheim part of town known as Seckenheim.
Airborne and infernal machines
Made by and for fans: the Technik Museum in Sinsheim
DIY Construction Kit Church
One of the most remarkable places of worship in Germany is situated in the city of Mannheim.
Capturing it as it is
Joëlle Oechsle takes photographs of old-established businesses in Ludwigshafen
The young Southern Palatinates
The young Southern Palatinate - A new generation of ambitioned winegrowers.
Life on the stud farm
Jette Zollmann continues the Kurgestüt Hoher Odenwald with 400 horses. The mares on the stud farm milk well—and live a life without halters or saddles ...