The Book
WO SONST is also available in book format!
The extraordinary Hack-Garten in Ludwigshafen, the Freilichtlabor Lauresham open-air laboratory in Lorsch, mare’s milk from the Odenwald or the folding bike race to the top of Kalmit mountain: Our authors and photographers tell stories from the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region filling 148 pages and describe how they met extraordinary people, who reside by the Rhine and Neckar rivers, in the Odenwald close to the Bavarian border or in the Southern Palatinate region right next to France. There is one thing they all have in common: All of these represent the special places that you can find, in precisely this unique way, only here—where else?
wo sonst – Geschichten aus der Region Rhein-NeckarStories from the Preview:
A palace waiting for the wake-up kiss
You can order a copy of the WO SONST book directly from the publisher Verlag Regionalkultur,
from the online store of the Buchhandlung Quodlibet bookshop in Neustadt
or send a quick email to the Buchhandlung Bender bookshop in Mannheim:
…more bookshops to come!